React Native Validation Example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to write validation in react native because hear I’m going to share my custom validation code to validate form with codebase examples. Today we create form something like login and implement validation in the form to learn validation in react native. Let’s start today article React Native Validation Example We will create a login form with username, and password input and validation when user clicks on submit button, we will add some required validation and if any validate then we will show the message on the user screen let’s understand with an example....

July 11, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native Regex

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Sometimes, we need regex to validate user details like some patterns for example Email validation, phone number validation and many things. Now, we are going to use regex in react native email validation. Let’s start today article React Native Regex What is regex? A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Usually such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms for “find” or “find and replace” operations on strings, or for input validation....

July 10, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

React Native Multiple Styles Example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Sometimes, we need to add multiple style in react native element to use common styles. we are going to learn how to add multiple styles in react native using some basics commponent of react native. let’s start today article React Native Multiple Styles Example For adding multiple styles in react native we have to use styles as a array, something same like below style props....

July 9, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

How to export excel in react

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article based on export excel in React, here you will get example of how to export excel in react. We are going to use react-data-export library to manage export excel task. Many dev’s install and stuck on react-export-excel package. Please don’t waste time in this package it just forked of react-data-export there are no support option. Let’s start today article How to export excel in react...

July 6, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

Sequelize where in and where not in array example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article based on sequelize where in and where not in query, here you will learn to write where in query in sequelize and also how many way to do. For managing where in and not in types of query sequelize provide operators. Let start today article Sequelize where in and where not in array example In this article, you will get examples of query using where in or where not in array....

July 5, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

React Native borderColor

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to use border color in react native, here we will discuss and understand example of React Native borderColor prop. We are going to learn how to use borderColor in react native and how to provide color on specific border of box. Basically, React Native provide borderColor to show color on border and manage border color. Let’s start today article borderColor in React Native...

July 4, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native borderRadius

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to use border radius in react native, here we will discuss and understand example of React Native borderRadius prop. We are going to learn how to use borderRadius in react native and how to round any specific corner of box. Basically, React Native provide borderRadius to make corner round something like squre bracket [] to parenthesis (). Let’s start today article borderRadius in React Native...

July 4, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native borderWidth

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to use border width in react native, here we will discuss and understand example of React Native borderWidth prop. We are going to learn how to use borderWidth in react native and how to provide width on specific border of box. Basically, React Native provide borderWidth to show border on box and manage width border. Let’s start today article borderWidth in React Native...

July 4, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

How to download file in react

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article based on how to download any file in react, when you are working any type of project there are one definitely feature is download report. May be you are looking for excel ( xslx, and csv ), pdf, video ( mp4, mov, and avi ), image (png, jpg, and jpeg ) and etc but in this article we will learn to download any type file in react....

July 3, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

Sequelize Operators Example with query

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Today, we will learn about sequelize operators How to use sequelize operators Where to use sequelize operators what operation we can be done with sequelize operators We use greater than, less than, Greater than or equal, Less than or equal, Not equal, Equal , sign in sql but in sequelize we use as Operators to done this types of query. One more thing sequelize Operators also use for and and or types of query....

July 2, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility

Node sequelize update query example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! To update data in the database, sequelize provide update() method it will update your data on the database based on your condition. using sequelize update method we are able to write SQL update query in a function and JSON parameters. This article based on sequelize update query, here you will get update query examples to do on your project. If you are looking for sequelize basics query example for crud check below article it’s based on sequelize create, select, delete, and update, and join examples...

July 1, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

Node sequelize where or query example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article based on where or query in node sequelize, here you will get example of where or query. Sequelize provide operator functionality to manage this types of query. For using operator you have to import op from sequelize like below. const { Op } = require("sequelize"); For using or condition we have to Op.or in where condition like below example. const { Op } = require("sequelize"); Post....

June 30, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

How to detect video finished in video react

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to know when user view full video using video-react package. Many times we want to know user watch full video or not then video-react package provide onEnded call back function. Note: this article only for those developer who are using video-react library. Let’s start today’s article How to detect video completed in video react Video React also provide subscribeToStateChange but it’s now work for me and this article alternative solution for this....

June 29, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

React Native Functional Component Example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to create a functional component in react-native. Here, I will share the functional component example structure for your reference. We are clear below some basic topics in this article How to create a functional component how to create functions in functional component How to create a state in functional component How to use a functional component in class component Let’s start today topic React Native Functional Component Example...

June 27, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

How to close react native app programmatically

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will you to exit your react native application programmatically when you use react-navigation for managing routes you get the inbuild feature back press exit application from the first route but many times we want to close the application when we want. React native not provide any exit functionality for react native ios application but we have BackHandler for android, and today you get an example of BackHandler, how to use BackHandler in react native application....

June 26, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

Textarea in React Native

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to create textarea in react native, React Native not privde any specfic component to make textarea in react native, but react native provide textinput component to manage textarea. In this article, you will get how to make textarea in react native and how to decide height of textarea. Let’s start today article Textarea in React Native React Native provide two props in textinput component to make textarea in react native....

June 25, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

React Native Dimensions Example

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to get screen width and height in react native, in react native for responsiveness we need many times screen with and heght. Let’s start today’s article React Native Dimensions Example React Native provide Dimensions component to get and manage screen width and height. React Native Dimensions Example article will clear your below topics. How to get screen width and height in react native How to get updated width and height when device rotate in react native or other cases....

June 24, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

How to delete file in react native

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to delete your file in react native using react-native-fs library. Here, we are use react-native-fs library to check file available or not and delete file. Let’s start today’s topic How to delete file in react native react-native-fs provide unlink component to delete file available or not it will throw error and it works on both platform (android, and iOS). unlink(filepath: string): Promise<void>...

June 20, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

How to check file is exist or not in react native

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article will help you to check your file exist or not in react native using react-native-fs library. Here, we are use react-native-fs library to check file available or not. Let’s start today’s topic How to check file is exist or not in react native react-native-fs provide exists component to verify file available or not in device it works on both platform (android, and iOS)....

June 19, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility

isMicrophone mute and unmute issue in RPScreenRecorder

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! This article based on my research, when I started working on-screen recording I found the RPScreenRecorder microphone not work after the screen recorder started. Here, I will share what I got and what I’m planning to solve this issue. I tried every possible solution I get on the web but no chance. We know the Replaykit package maintained by the Apple developer but the microphone mute and unmute after screen recording is still in future improvements....

June 18, 2021 · 1 min · Infinitbility