How to deploy nodejs application subdirectory level in apache ubuntu

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! In this Article, we deploy nodejs application subdirectory level in apache ubuntu server. here you get complete tutorial to deploy, setup, and run node js project in apache server. let’s start with subdirectory. what is Subdirectory url level? Some people also say sub url or custom url. subdirectory come after core domain. Take below example. here is core domain & category is a subdirectory url....

February 1, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility

React Native Share

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! In this tutorial, we create react native app with share funtionallity of image, file, and text using react native share example. This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Installing Install react native share package. for npm users npm install react-native-share --save for yarn users yarn add react-native-share *** Install dependencies ( only for iOS )***...

January 30, 2021 · 9 min · Infinitbility

React Native Textinput

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link In This Article, we learn textinput and their props with examples. Textinput or input Textinput component uses to get data to users like their personal details, email, password, etc. The below example explains to handle textinput in react native. import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text, SafeAreaView, TextInput } from 'react-native'; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this....

January 28, 2021 · 4 min · Infinitbility

React Native Text

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Text The Text component is one of the most common React Native components — we use it whenever we need to display text in our app. This component can be nested and it can inherit properties from parent to child. This can be useful in many ways. We will show you example of capitalizing the first letter, styling words or parts of the text, etc....

January 27, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility

React Native Flexbox

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link In this article we are going to learn the basics of styling a component in React Native using Flexbox. If you have already used Flexbox for web with CSS, the same concepts are used in React Native as well. There are some minute differences between the both. Flexbox Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system that we can use to create a row or a column axis layout....

January 24, 2021 · 8 min · Infinitbility

Image not showing in ios 14 react native

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! You react native image component not rendering images in iOS 14 then you have to change react-native node_modules or use patch packages. Here, I don’t recommend changing your node_modules because you may forget to change when setup another machine or in deployment. patch packages solution get from GitHub after hours of scrolling & researching. In this article, I am sharing solutions to solve the image rendering issue using patch packages....

January 22, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility

Laravel Model

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! In this article, we can create a model in laravel and use it in the controller with an example. This article only explains the required things to learn and use laravel model. Model Eloquent models allow you to insert, update, and delete records from the table as well. Eloquent Laravel use Eloquent, When using Eloquent, you have to create a separate model for each table....

January 20, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native Styling

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Today, we learn how many ways to write CSS in react native. the CSS in react a native little bit different from actual CSS. Inline Style Internal style External Style Use multiple styles in a single component Create multiple styles constant and import Inline Style However, this is not the best practice because it can be hard to read the code....

January 17, 2021 · 4 min · Infinitbility

CSS Combinators

Hello Friends, Welcome To Notebility! A combinator is something that explains the relationship between the selectors. There are four different combinators in CSS: descendant selector (space) child selector (>) adjacent sibling selector (+) general sibling selector (~) To understand the all >,+,~ sign in css to what is the meaning and how to use it in css.let us take a sample code to understand the signs. <div class="container"> <p>Parent element</p> <div> <p>Child element</p> </div> <p>Parent element</p> <p>Parent element</p> <p>Parent element</p> </div> 1) Descendant selector (space) ....

January 15, 2021 · 2 min · Notebility

React Native Props

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link what is props? Props are short for Properties. The simple rule of thumb is props should not be changed. In the programming world we call it “Immutable” or in simple english “Unchangeable”. Props are Unchangeable — Immutable Components receive props from their parent. These props should not be modified inside the component. In React and React Native the data flows in one direction -> From the parent to the child....

January 15, 2021 · 5 min · Infinitbility

What is Brute force Attack & How to prevent Brute force Attack?

Hello Friends, Welcome To Notebility! What are Brute Force Attacks? A brute force attack is a trial and error method to get a login to the system or account. In this method, hackers try to guess the password. They try to guess passwords and try every combination hoping to guess correctly. The word ‘brute force’ means they try excessive forceful attempts they try every attempt to enter your private accounts. A common threat web developers face is a password-guessing the attack is known as a brute force attack....

January 14, 2021 · 7 min · Notebility

how to disable drawer on the drawer navigation screen?

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Many people want to disable or block the drawer on a specific drawer navigation screen and you are also one of those then follow the below example to save your hour. React Navigation blocked drawer when use drawerLockMode you can’t access the drawer anymore Note: you can’t use openDrawer() and closeDrawer() also example : { screen : ExampleScreen, navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => ( { drawerLockMode: 'locked-closed' } ) }, React Navigation disable gesture disable gesture only affect gestures only like swipe left and many more....

January 12, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native State

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link today, we learn to manage to react native state. React Native manage data using state and props. props mean those data, send data to the child component from the parent component but we can discuss props in our next coming tutorial. state we are using state to store data and accessible on the whole file....

January 12, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility

Crontab Documentation

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Today, we are going to learn how to setup crontab on windows, mac, ubuntu. cronjob types ( Command, and url ) cron schedule expression examples. what is cron? Cron is a time-based job scheduling daemon found in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux distributions. Cron runs in the background and tasks scheduled with cron, referred to as “cron jobs,” are executed automatically, making cron useful for automating maintenance-related tasks....

January 9, 2021 · 9 min · Infinitbility

React Native Project Structure

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Today, we setup the react native app with an example of project folder structure, React Navigation, and Axios also you guys use for the starter. Let’s discuss a structure to start new projects or when you need to scale large projects. We will use React Native as a basis for this architecture, but the concepts can be leveraged in projects using other frameworks....

January 9, 2021 · 11 min · Infinitbility

React Native Environment setup on ubuntu

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Today, we setup react native environment in ubuntu for run react native app. For setup react native environment in ubuntu you have to install some dependencies written below dependencies Install node and npm Install Android Studio Install react-native Install node and npm Node.js is an open-source cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows server-side execution of JavaScript code....

January 7, 2021 · 4 min · Infinitbility

React Native Environment setup on Mac OS

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Today, we setup react native environment in macos for run react native app. Tools Homebrew Node.js and npm watchman Java JRE and JDK React Native CLI Xcode Android Studio Install Homebrew Homebrew is a free and open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on Apple’s macOS operating system and Linux....

January 5, 2021 · 5 min · Infinitbility

React Native Environment Setup for windows

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link Today, we setup react native environment in windows for run react native app. Tools These are the tools we need on an development environment (Windows): Visual Studio Code (you can use any other editor or IDE) Android Studio Built-in emulator in Android Studio Node Package Manager (NPM) Node.js (Version 14 or newer) React Native command line interface (React Native CLI) Java Development Kit (JDK 8 or newer) Install Node JS for setup react native you have to download and instal node....

January 4, 2021 · 4 min · Infinitbility

React native material dropdown twice click issue

Hello Friends, Welcome To Infinitbility! Many times we use react native material dropdown to show picker but when we use multiple dropdowns on the same screen getting the issue of click. click issues arise due to some time scrollview or sometimes textinput. Solution 1 when you have multiple dropdowns and facing twice click issue add below attribute on your dropdown element. <Dropdown ... keyboardShouldPersistTaps={'always'} /> Solution 2 when you have getting issue after come from textinput....

January 4, 2021 · 2 min · Infinitbility

React Native Environment Setup using expo

This Article Part of React Native Tutorial Series want to start from scrach follow below link when you want to quick setup follow expo cli but for large project, I recommend use react native cli. Today, we setup expo for run react native app. Setup Expo Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React. Install Node JS for setup expo cli you have to download and instal node....

January 3, 2021 · 3 min · Infinitbility